Dr. Shawn Burns has been a Fitness Professional and Chiropractor for over 30 years. She combines her expertise and passion to help others to make better health choices to improve their quality of life.

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Recently, she has expanded her practice to include not only body wellness but, “Brain Wellness”. She is trained and using “IASIS” the cutting edge micro-current Neurofeedback brain machine, “CRANIAL FACIAL RELEASE” nasopharynx ballooning technique and Cranial Adjusting. Get your BRAIN back, get your BODY back, Get your LIFE back!!!
Seeing patients of all ages she uses many techniques to remove spinal cord pressure allowing the body to heal itself. She is noted as surprisingly strong yet swift and gentle.
Dr. Shawn believes a key to overall health for a lifetime is to always think “LONGEVITY” and “FLOW.” With a longevity mindset she encourages and helps patients create their own “health regimen” that will give them the future life-style they want.
“My life and health choices today will determine the lifestyle I get to live when I’m old… and yes, one day we will all be old.”

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